Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hypochondriac or truly ill?

I know some of you are shocked that I (Michele) haven't posted anything regarding my health yet. Fear not, my self control has wained...let the drama begin!

I have already finished my antibiotics and an I'm eyeing Bruce's. Just before we left Bruce and I both had the swine flu. Now the doctor just said "flu", but I'm sure it was the "swine flu"!

After a few weeks of the "swine flu", I still had a fever. Just before getting on the plane to come to Ukraine, the doctor said it was a "virus". I was sure the "swine flu" was re-emerging so I started taking my antibiotics. I still had trouble breathing the first week we were in Ukraine. I'm sure it was the beginnings of pneumonia. Good thing I had those antibiotics!

We had lunch at a new friend Alys' house earlier and she told us that 30% of the Ukrainian population has TB. I'm sure they've all sneezed on me! So now everytime I have a cough, I think it must be TB!

Yesterday, I noticed a perfectly round red dot on my wrist. I asked Bruce what he thought, and he just shrugged it off. I'm sure I have a botfly burrowing in there. Fear not, I know what to do. I saw a show on PBS about a guy who got a botfly. He smothered the open wound with vaseline and waited for the suffocating botfly to poke it's head out for air and then he grabbed it with a tweezers! I'm prepared!!

I gotta go. Time to wash my hair with lice shampoo. My head itches all the time....


  1. I was trying to stifle my giggling as I read this during class! Oh my! At least your "illnesses" have an international flavor! :)

  2. Ahh, comedy in the midst od chaos! That lets me know that you are truely alright and weathering the storm!

    Don't forget about the lung cancer you will surely get from breathing the second hand smoke that you get from the train, metro, or just about any public gathering place. It took 10 years off my life :)


  3. Glad you could use the antibiotics! You crack me up! Hope you're feeling better.

  4. Let's write it all off to jet lag. You crack me up!

  5. You looked great this morning on skype! Hang in there!

  6. Way to totally go with the culture! Don't dream of going outside with wet hair or especially let your kids be seen outside with wet hair! And don't open the windows in the train, even though its 100 degrees F OR YOU SHALL SURELY DIE of . . . . something.

  7. Way too funny Michele! Sounds like you're doing just fine out there, being yourself.

    Praying, wondering, reading about your journey continually!

    Blessings & Peace ~
    Lisa L-R

  8. You goofball, Michele! I love how you write - just like you think! Anyway, Ive been reading the blog backwards and already read the good news about Pasha. Tanya is an angel! You and the kids are fortunate to have her working for you.
    I saw the rest of the DeYoungsters this past weekend on Sunday night and Monday night. They seem to be doing well. Benjamin complained of a stomach ache on Sunday night, but I think he was really tired. He was pretty close to being in bed by the time Natalie arrived and we were leaving at around 8:30. I made him promise he would go to bed at 8:30 every night this week! They miss you guys, of course, but are taking everything in stride. It will be fabulous when you are ALL finally back together at home.
    Stay healthy!!

  9. Michele, you are absolutely hilarious! Ihave an unusual sore on my nose...never had one like it, so it must be from the water here, right?!
