Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hey there praying people,
the time has come for you all to pray that our document will be accepted by the SDA. The first try was not successful. We..actually Bruce spent All of his day driving every where to get two documents redone. They could still have issues with them but we could do nothing to make them better. This is where you come in, pray that the SDA will OK these fixed papers. Bruce just sent these and they need to get to Ukraine by Wednesday. Fedex say it won't get there untill 6:00pm. Oleg, our facilitator needs these that day. This is where you come in again, pray they get there earlier than 6:00pm.
Thank You !

1 comment:

  1. Hello DeYoung Family! We are now following your log. We are in the process of adopting from Ukraine too. Feel free to follow our blog if you like.
