Sunday, September 13, 2009

Michele here, Bruce is so good at blogging.

Keep praying. We need to iron out some things here before we care, dog care and most importantly kids care. Our original plans in those areas have changed, so I need to work those out this week.

Friends have given us a list of people to possibly meet in Kiev and Kherson ( the area where the girl we are trying to adopt is). How exciting to have contacts who speak Ukainian or Russian already!

7 days....I got to go.


  1. Only 7 days.....We are so hoping and praying for a smooth trip and for events once in the Ukraine to go well and as planned. Your plans for travel and lodging have sure worked out well!
    Hope to talk to you this weekend sometime.

  2. We stayed in Kherson twice while doing our adoptions out of Tsurpinsk (over the river) there are many nice places, and the church next to the Bible House is big. It even has a Christian bookstore where we brought home books, dvd's and CDs for our teenage girl. I only wished I had bought more, didn't want to look like the "Wealthy" American! God Bless!
