Saturday, September 26, 2009

post by Michele

Nothing really new to report..I'm actually trying to stay awake for a bit longer.

We saw the kids today. We played frisbee, soccer and threw the football around . I made some earrings with Natasha and Pasha tried his hand at one. Later I thought " Great now I've used all our non-verbal fun things in one day!" I'm sure we will figure out some more activities.

We are going to try and go to church where Pasha has been going with a few boys. We aren't sure the caregiver for that day will let us take them..or even let us go with them. Pasha says this person can be unpredictable. I'll let you know.

I'm the slowest typist in the world so... that took about half an hour, time for bed


  1. hehehehehe! that's funny! Love you!

  2. We know God has a plan. I'm praying that we humans will be patient and at peace with His plan. Love you guys and think about you all the time!
