Saturday, September 19, 2009

Packing, Packing, Packing...

We're packing. And washing. And packing some more. And running to the store to pick up stuff, like an extra deoderant since, well, you never know when you'll run out and I certainly don't know the Russian or Ukranian word for "deoderant".

The big suitcase is 48 I think that means it's full! :)

We had a great time of prayer with our friends at Jim and Kari's house last night. Thanks Volfs for hosting that!

11:46 AM tomorrow we'll be in the air and on our way. Hard to believe we've finally arrived at this point. Please keep praying for our kids while we are away. They will be in good hands, but will certainly be experiencing some stress in their lives while we're away.

Please also pray for the kids we will meet and the Ukranian officials with whom we come in contact. We want the process to go smoothly, but we also want to shine the light of Jesus to all.

Thanks for thinking of us over the next several weeks.



  1. Yep, make sure you got that big pack of deodorant. You gonna experince a whole new level of closeness on the trains, martshutkas and metro like you've never had before! :) Praying for you guys!


  2. Our prayers will be going with you and Michele as you leave tomorrow and with Bradley, Abigail and Benjamin and all those caring for them while you are gone. We Love you all very much.
    Dad, Mom, Gpa and Gma

  3. Our prayers will be going with you and Michele as you leave tomorrow, and for Bradley, Abigail and Benjamin as they stay at home. We Love you all so much. Dad, Mom, Gpa and Gma
